Altyn Sapa
On December 7, 2022, Astana hosted a solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the competition – laureates of the Altyn Sapa Prize of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In the nomination “The best enterprise producing food and/or agricultural products” became Rakhat-Shymkent LLP.
The production of the first products at the Rakhat-Shymkent subsidiary began in 2001. with an assortment of only 10 items and in a short time achieved recognition in the domestic market.
In 2015, a project was implemented to increase production capacity, launched lines for the production of waffles, hard dough cookies, crackers. The next stage was the project for the production of waffle tubes.
In June 2019, a line for the production of jelly fruits was launched, and in September 2020, another project was implemented to launch a line of sugar and shortbread cookies.
Today, the Shymkent Confectionery Factory, equipped with modern equipment, produces 6 types of products, the range of which is 125 items. The company successfully provides sweets not only in Kazakhstan, but also actively cooperates with buyers from neighboring countries – Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan.

Prodexpo 2018
The International Competition «The Best Product-2018» was held at the 25th international food exhibition «PRODEXPO – 2018» in Moscow city.
The products of our factory of 11 items were also presented at the competition and all 11 confectionery products of Rakhat JSC were awarded with gold medals:
– There are chocolate «Rakhat with cherry», «Rakhat 65%; 70%; 80%», «Kazakhstanskiy»
– Sweets «Trufelnye», «Rakhat»
– «Fruit jellies in chocolate»
– Caramel «Rakhat»
-Waffles «Rakhat caramel» and wafer rolls «Rakhat with ice-cream taste»

年度全国品牌 2017年
“拉哈特”股份公司成为提名“年度全国品牌”,L’Officiel 和 L’Officiel Hommes的赢家.

“拉哈特”股份公司在莫斯科参加巨大的第24次国际食品和饮料展览会 «Prodexpo 2017» 。

对于 拉哈特 股份公司组织与举行第28次2017年世界大学生冬季运动会贡献阿拉木图市长爸武尔嚷•白贝克给递交感谢证
对于“拉哈特” 股份公司组织与举行第28次2017年世界大学生冬季运动会贡献阿拉木图市长爸武尔嚷•白贝克给递交感谢证书!

十二月 2016
“拉哈特”股份有限公司在“阿尔腾萨帕奖” 内获得“Ұлы Дала Елі” 伞形品牌使用权

随着竞争的结果, “拉哈特”股份有限公司成为“人口商品质量领导者”特别奖的所有者。

拉哈特股份公司参加在消费者认可总国家比赛 国家品牌 2015

根据 哈萨克斯坦最佳产品 区域竞赛结果拉哈特股份有限公司在 最佳食品 奖项占第一名 2015

哈萨克斯坦 2014年世界粮食
“Rakhat” 有限公司参与第十六专食品和非酒精饮料会在 «WorldFood Kazakhstan 2014» 最好食品» 国际博览会«WorldFood Kazakhstan 2014»内举行。 食品会参与高专委员会从领导食品工业机关以吉尔吉斯斯坦食品学会副总经理SinyavskiyY.A. 教授为首的。 根据食品会结果,“Rakhat” 有限公司获得“金牌”代表第一名由于八个的提名: “Astana” 巧克力 “Prestij orekhovyi” 巧克力 “Prestij izumnyi” 巧克力 “Prestij orekhovo-izumnyi” 巧克力 “Rakhat 65%” 巧克力 “Serdtseedka martsipan” 糖果 “Serdtseedka praline” 糖果 “Serdtseedka” 糖果