WorldFood Kazakhstan 2014
“Rakhat” JSC took part in the 16-th professional tasting of foods and alcohol-free beverages “Best Product of WorldFood Kazakhstan 2014″, held within the frame of international exhibition «WorldFood Kazakhstan 2014”. In tasting participated highly professional expert commission of the leading institutions of the food industry, led by the Vice-President of the Kazakh Academy of Nutrition, Professor Sinyavsky Y.A. Following the results of contest “Rakhat” JSC won the “Gold Medal” for the 1-st place in 8 nominations:
chocolate “Astana”
chocolate “Prestige Orehoviy”
chocolate “Prestige Izyumnyi”
chocolate “Prestige Orehovo-izyumnyi”
chocolate “Rakhat 65%”
candy “SERDTSEYEDKA marzipan”
candy “SERDTSEYEDKA praline”
candy “Serdce’edka”

For the successful development of Kazakhstan’s brand 2014
In the frame of the VI Annual Economic Forum in November 14, 2014 held a high-profile award ceremony rating leaders “Largest companies of Kazakhstan”. Following the results of the rating of “Expert-200-Kazakhstan” for 2013 “Rakhat” JSC declared the winner in the nomination “For the successful development of Kazakhstan’s brand”. Rating formed from 2009 and is a presented by representative list of leading Kazakh companies, which are the main component of the economy development of the country

Agroforum 2014
Rakhat JSC received a gold medal at the inter-regional agro-industrial exhibition “Agroforum 2014”, held in Yekaterinburg.

National Certificate Industry Leader 2014
Based on the results of the national business rating Rakhat JSC is recognized as the leader among large enterprises engaged in the production of cocoa, chocolate and sugar confectionery in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The title of the “Leader” is confirmed by the relevant up-market Honor Badges, such as the official National Certificate “Industry Leader 2014” and the campaign medal “Sala Koshbasshysy 2014 (Industry Leader 2014)”. The National Business Rating is a comprehensive rating project, which has been effective since 2002, and widely known in the CIS and the Customs Union as a leading nation-wide not-for-profit rating for assessment of the effectiveness of an enterprise.

Industry Leader 2014
Based on the results of the national business rating Rakhat JSC is recognized as the leader among large enterprises engaged in the production of cocoa, chocolate and sugar confectionery in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The title of the “Leader” is confirmed by the relevant up-market Honor Badges, such as the official National Certificate “Industry Leader 2014” and the campaign medal “Sala Koshbasshysy 2014 (Industry Leader 2014)”. The National Business Rating is a comprehensive rating project, which has been effective since 2002, and widely known in the CIS and the Customs Union as a leading nation-wide not-for-profit rating for assessment of the effectiveness of an enterprise.

Rakhat JSC occupied the 2nd place in the Republic of Kazakhstan in three categories 2013
Rakhat JSC occupied the 2nd place in the Republic of Kazakhstan in three categories: “Assets and Liabilities Indicators”, “Profitability Indicators” and “Liquidity indicators”.

Best social partner 2012
“Rakhat” Joint-Stock Company has become a winner in nomination “Best social partner 2012” of “Orleu” competition

Irreproachable 2012
Products of the company have been awarded with the certificate and national mark of quality “Bezuprechno” (“Irreproachable”).

awarded with the Irreproachably 2011
Products of the company obtained the certificate and were awarded with the “Irreproachably”, the national mark of quality.

Choice of the people 2011
“Sweets 2011”, the ХIII International exhibition of Kazakhstan in Almaty
Grand Prize in the “Choice of the people” consumer degustation Diploma of competitor in the “Choice of the people” consumer degustation.